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                FDUL221 Line Tester

                2018-12-20 09:08:21
                List of file attachments :
                Download package(1)LineTester


                The line tester FDUL221 serves for system diagnostics on the addressed detector line
                At the push of a button, it reads in the line topology and indicates the current status (i.e. the cabling and the arrangement of the devices on the line) on the display.
                When a line device is connected or disconnected later, the line topology previously read in is not updated automatically.
                In case of double allocation or missing addresses, these addresses are reassigned automatically.
                The line tester can be operated independently with a PC.


                – Battery or mains operation
                – Multi-line display
                – Display backlight
                – Loadable language variants
                – Automatic address correction
                – Clearly arranged operating and indication elements
                Range of application
                – FDnet line
                – Recognition of the FDnet line devices (see submenu 'Type Overview')
                – Recognition of the line topology
                – Error search and diagnosis
                – Installation, control and acceptance
                – Interface between FDnet and PC –> printer

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                Wechat Official Accounts Mini Apps Customer Service