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                FC18 Controller Operating manual

                Natence 2020-03-18 18:53:09
                List of file attachments :
                Download package(1)FC18 Controller Operating manual.pdf

                SYSTEM OVERVIEW

                There are three types of FC18 series controllers:
                - FC1820 fire alarm controller (interlocking)
                - FC1840 fire alarm controller (interlocking)
                - FC1840C fire alarm controller (no interlocking panel, no printer)

                - FC1820 and FC1840 fulfill Chinese Standard of GB4717-2005 and GB16806-2006.
                - FC1840C fulfill Chinese Standard of GB4717-2005.
                - Multi-language operation menu designed with windows style for fast and easy operation.
                - Shortcut key (right key) for popping out operation items of equipment/event.
                - Large memory space for up to 10000 history records, first in first out order, and all events can be
                recorded during operation period.
                - LCD backlight Auto-off mode. When no operation or event to display within preset time, LCD backlight
                will be automatically turn off. When there are events / operations, LCD will light up automatically to
                display events and/or interlocking devices.
                - 2 channels of programmable input/output (Output: 40mA@24VDC, it can be programmed as general
                alarm output or general trouble output; Input: dry contact).
                - 1 channel of NAC for audible and visible devices (max. 0.5A @24VDC).
                - 8 channels of interlocking functions for automatic control and manual operations of control equipments.
                - Efficient group programming according to different using.
                - FC1820 controller can connect up to 252 points, FC1840(C) controller can connect up to 504 points.
                - Network bus (FC18-BUS), the max. distance is 1000m (the twist wiring capacity is 1.0 to 1.5 mm2 ). Up to
                32 controllers can be networked together with FC1820 and FC1840(C).
                - FRT bus (FR18-BUS), the max. distance is 1000m (the twist wiring capacity is 1.0 to 1.5 mm2 ). Up to 32
                floor repeater displays can be networked.
                - Detection bus (FD18-BUS), 2-wire polarity-free, the max. distance for line resistance is 4000m, the max.
                distance for line capacitance is 5000m. (the twist wiring capacity is 1.0 to 1.5 mm2 )
                - Three user levels for different operation authority. Each user level is accessed by a pre-defined and
                changeable password.
                - Convenient pluggable terminals with clear marks for field wiring.
                - Auto-mapping function to support on commissioning task.
                - Detection algorithm can be adjusted from controller according to different environment, to provide high
                reliability of alarm and reduce false alarm.
                - Programming can be done either directly on controller or through computer.
                - “Sticker Method” easy for commissioning on site.

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